In 1889, a civil engineer suspended a bridge made of hemp and cedar planks across the Capilano Canyon. The Capilano Suspension Bridge Park looks much different today, and not only because its suspension bridge is infinitely stronger. Paying tribute to its daring beginnings and rich history, the park offers thrilling attractions, family-friendly activities, and impeccable hospitality.

New perspectives on West Coast beauty and adventure.
To convey everything that comes with the price of a single ticket, we re-imagined the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park site. We grouped the attractions into easy-to-browse categories and devoted space to exploring each one with oversized photography, compelling copy, and fun facts. We also simplified the navigation, making it easier for guests to plan their visit: from the helpful FAQ section, to an overview of dining options, to a peek inside the popular Trading Post gift shop, the website seamlessly presents visitors with the information they’re looking for, resulting in a beautifully enjoyable web experience and more conversions.

Behind the Scenes