KingFisher Workshop Questionnaire - Leap XD

KingFisher Workshop Questionnaire

Form Submission.

Kingfisher – Brand Questionnaire

  • Getting Started

  • Brand Origin & Evolution

  • Tell us your brand’s story, from its founding to the present. What was its purpose?
  • When did each sub-brand (spa, restaurants) become a part of the business?
  • Tell us about the Kingfisher Resort, Pacific Mist Spa, Ocean7 Restaurant, and AQUA Bistro & Wine Bar.
  • Brand Personality

  • Choose four (4) words that best describe your brand.
  • List words that don’t describe your brand.
  • Describe the misconceptions surrounding your brand.
  • Audiences

  • Describe your target audiences in terms of gender, age, education, and income.
  • Why do they turn to you?
  • List the material, psychological, or emotional benefits.
  • Competitive Landscape

  • Describe your local competitors as well as those nationally and internationally.
  • Regardless of location or industry, which brands strike you as admirable and impressive?
  • How are you different from/better than your competitors?
  • Name three times that are unique to your brand.
  • Do you have a disadvantage in your industry?
  • Brand Success

  • Where do you want to see the brand in 2, 5, and 10 years’ time?
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