This is likely where you purchased your domain. Common domain registrars: Godaddy, Rebel, Namecheap, etc. If you are unsure what your domain registrar is, you can find out by visiting and searching your domain name. It will look it up for you. If your domain registrar allows delegate access, please grant full access to
ie. WordPress or Squarespace
Please add as an admin user to your Google Analytics account. Inside your account, click the Admin gear icon, then “Property Access Management”, then the blue plus icon to add a user, and enter “” and set it to “Administrator”.
OR add Leap to your account – here is a link if you need help setting up Google Map API Key:
Please include user name(s) and password(s).
Bookings / Payments / Donations? Please include login user name and passwords.
What forms do you plan on using for the new site? Please provide email(s) that will be receiving responses.
Please provide the phone number and email for your technical contact.